Manual medicine

Manual medicine is an irreplaceable biomechanical method in the correction of the spine and other deformities of the musculoskeletal system. With an expert passive stretching…


Traction can be electronic and mechanic. It is mostly applied to the spine, spreading apart the vertebrae and applying suction to the protruding part of the discus.


The contemporary way of life, in which the upper part of the body, especially the neck and the shoulders, is passively overloaded for the most part of the day makes massages an everyday human necessity.

Kinesis phsysical therapy

In the broad sense, kinesis-therapy covers all treatment methods that are connected to movement, including manual medicine. In practice, manipulative procedures of manual medicine are treated separately.


The commonly stated range of human hearing is from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, so we cannot hear the therapeutic ultrasound…


Electrotherapeutic procedures are used to treat painful conditions and repair tissue functions…

Magnetic therapy

Magnetic waves of low frequency act healingly, they accelerate metabolism and circulation and by doing so stimulate the change of substances…

Electromagnetic therapy

Indications: Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system: neuralgias, headaches, spastic paresis, limp paresis, extrapyramidal syndrome…


The Laser

Laser therapy has an anti-inflammatory, regenerative and bio-stimulating effect on pain…

Vibration therapy

The FitVibe-Excel machine is distinguished by its high amplitude due to which it is possible to use it with all types of patients…

Physio-Fit Programme

At the Tranfić Polyclinic we start from the fact that the range of movements is the main and basic prerequisite for body shape in the sense of health, condition, but also good looks!